photo of a woman near falling leaves

“Leaf” comparisons behind now!

“Internal change is so often a progression and for each of us it’s a unique journey.”

I was collecting leaves ahead of the Flourishing Connections Circle last week on Navigating Change in midlife, and as I was gathering the leaves from one tree I was struck by how they’re all so beautifully different in the way they are changing during the season. 

It really made me think how all of us are going through change in different ways and may be in different stages, but we are having to navigate and find our way through it! 

Let’s explore how laughter, relatable day-to-day activities, and embracing our beautifully flawed selves can help us thrive in this remarkable midlife adventure.

  1. Embracing the Seasons of Change and Chaos:  Just as some leaves gracefully transform from vibrant greens to breathtaking hues of red, orange, and gold, we too undergo a multitude of changes throughout our lives. Midlife, in particular, can be a time of profound transformation—a season where we reflect on our accomplishments, reassess our goals, and embark on new paths. It’s essential to recognize that change is a natural and necessary part of growth, and it holds the potential for a renewed sense of purpose and fulfilment. Midlife is definitely filled with moments that make you laugh, cry, and occasionally question your sanity. Embrace the chaos, my friend! Remember, it’s perfectly normal to feel a little off-balance as you navigate this rollercoaster ride.
  2. The Beauty of Individuality“Leaf” the comparison game behind! Each leaf on a tree possesses its own unique shape, colour, and texture. Similarly, we all go through change in our own distinctive ways. Let go of comparing yourself to others and celebrate your own unique journey. Embrace the quirks, the messy moments, and the times you find yourself tripping over life’s fallen branches. It’s crucial to honour and appreciate our individual journeys – I have 2 of the same trees bought at the same time from the same nursery planted only 2m apart – they are completely different heights, sizes and at the moment colours. By honouring our individuality we create space for self-compassion and understanding, allowing ourselves to thrive authentically and at our own pace, adding colour and contrast to the world!
  3. Finding Zen in the ChaosFinding time for self-care in the midst of juggling work, family, and everything in between can seem as elusive as an eye cream that delivers on its promises… But fear not! Self-care doesn’t have to be a grandiose affair. It’s about those little moments of respite that rejuvenate your spirit. Soak in a warm bubble bath, savouring a decadent piece, or 3, of chocolate, or dance like nobody’s watching in your living room. Embrace the small pockets of joy that nourish your soul amidst the everyday chaos. Prioritise activities that replenish your spirit, surround yourself with a supportive community, and practice self-compassion as you navigate the rollercoaster of transformation.
  4. Crafting Your Legacy Through Thriving NowIn the pursuit of creating a lasting legacy, it’s essential to remember that your impact begins in the present moment. By focusing on living a fulfilling life now, you naturally cultivate a legacy that carries forward beyond your years. Your legacy is not solely determined by your achievements but by the positive influence you have on the lives of others. Don’t forget that laughter is the secret ingredient that adds sparkle to your journey. Embrace the joy that comes from laughter, and watch as it weaves its magic into the tapestry of your legacy.
  5. Celebrating Your Uniqueness and Embracing Imperfections:   Just as no two leaves are identical, your journey through midlife, and indeed all of life, is uniquely yours. Embrace the qualities that set you apart and celebrate your individuality. We’ve all had those days when dinner is a disaster or you forget to pick up a kid… But guess what? Imperfection is what makes us human, and it’s time to celebrate our flaws! By living authentically and embracing your unique path, you empower others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of positive transformation.

Life doesn’t stop for anyone and in the midst of life’s ever-changing seasons, we are reminded of the profound beauty of individual growth. As midlife women, we have the opportunity to navigate change with love, kindness, and self-acceptance.

By finding joy in the ordinary, celebrating our quirks, and sharing laughter with our loved ones, we create a legacy that inspires others to do the same. So, let’s journey together, embracing change, show each other grace and celebrate the remarkable women we are becoming.

I have recorded the short meditation we did during the Circle last week if you would like to spend 5 minutes on a little self-care and reflection.

Leaving you with:

Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other women who have her back, dance with her, and remind her that change is the rhythm of life.