DIY Vision Building Week


You recognise the need to grow, have a vision, be curious, accept a challenge and perhaps create new more supportive habits.  A reinvention of sorts!





Did you miss the live event?  Well, the replays are here to guide and inspire you to create your own Vision Building experience!  Do it at your own pace, but DO IT you won’t regret it.

Create the life you can’t wait to wake up to!

Let’s be honest here – change isn’t easy and it doesn’t often happen overnight.  But, being aware we want to change is absolutely the first step!

What we do need is to give ourselves the space to make some decisions about how we want to live, what we want to let go of or bring in over the coming years and most likely to tweek some habits.

We want more clarity around our purpose as we move into a new phase of our lives.

We want to feel deeply connected to who we are and what we love.

You recognise the need to grow, make changes, be curious, accept a challenge and perhaps create new more supportive habits.  A reinvention of sorts!


What are you focusing on?

Unfortunately, the human default is to spend our time and energy, in all its forms, focused on what we don’t want…

I don’t want to wash the dishes, I don’t want to cook dinner tonight, I don’t want to keep doing the long commute to work, I don’t want to go to the gym… as some of the very mundane everyday tasks we keep dwelling on.

Could we instead not give any more brain power or energy to what we don’t want and switch it to the far more empowering and motivating – this is my dream, these are my goals and this is what I do want?!!

I want to meditate today because it really puts me in the right headspace to deal with what the day brings me…

I love the way I feel after I’ve moved my body and I know it serves me in the long run…

I really enjoy the challenge of my job and the amazing team I work with…


With each of those statements I choose to find and focus on the positives and why they are positive.  If I am connected to my dreams and goals then my positive focus and energy moves me closer to them.

Dive in and create your focus and vision!

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