Motherhood: The 3rd Chapter


Motherhood: The 3rd Chapter – How to transition into your 50’s and beyond with joy, confidence and vitality. An interview series with 19 guest speakers.

Duration : 19 interviews



When I sat down and did some soul searching to work out what my values were now at this midlife point, I was surprised!  Family did not come out on top…

Connection and the power of community were my top values!

So, with the encouragement of an amazing mentor and incredible support from my mastermind, I jumped into the deep end and created this interview series…

Motherhood: The 3rd Chapter – How to transition into your 50’s and beyond with joy, confidence and vitality.

I reached out to experts and speakers to cover some of the topics I was struggling with at this time in my life.

For example:

  • perimenopause and the idea of my body changing as I move towards menopause.
  • self-love
  • the importance and power of connection
  • our changing relationship with our teens and young adults as well as our partners grief
  • living more sustainably and so many more

I discovered when chatting to girlfriends just how many of us are working through the same issues.

Why the 3rd chapter?  This chapter seems to swing back to us as women when we perhaps find a little more time to stop and evaluate who we are and what our values and passions may now be.  While we may be sandwiched between hormonal teenagers and possibly elderly parents needing our support and care we are also undergoing our own transition.

I sincerely hope that this resource will inspire and empower you to feel clearer and more confident moving forward.