Plugging back into your Power

I love listening to podcasts, but I have to say I’m listening to fewer at the moment because I am loving walking with my ears unplugged and giving my brain some ‘white space’ to think, dream, create.

One podcast I do love tuning into though is Mamamia’s No Filter with Mia Freedman. Last week’s episode titled The Life-Changing Impact of Camel-Mode really struck a core.

It’s been many years since I had young kids and the camel-mode concept didn’t fully resonate for my life anymore. But during the interview with the author of the article Is Camel-Mode inevitable for parents? by Kathryn Jezer-Morton, Mia said “So camel mode even when you don’t have childcare responsibilities is like a powering down of your identity.”

OMG I felt that to my core!

It struck me that I had been through a significant period where I felt as if I were operating in low battery mode, like a tired phone or computer struggling to function optimally. From the outside I was still functioning, but the internal reality was very different.

Looking back, I see how I was living in a dimmed version of myself—not shining as brightly, my systems running at a fraction of their capacity. It was a time when I wasn’t living up to my full potential. My body was giving me warning signs that I chose to ignore, pushing through a little longer.

Perhaps you can relate. Have you ever felt like you were merely going through the motions, operating on autopilot? That life had become a monotonous routine rather than a vibrant adventure? Have you sensed that there’s more to life, that you could be living with greater energy and purpose? If so, I invite you to explore the concept of plugging back into your power—the power that resides within each of us, waiting to be harnessed and unleashed.

What triggers this pivotal moment, this turning point where you finally decide to “plug back in and recharge”? It could be a variety of factors—

  • Physical and mental exhaustion: When you reach a point of extreme fatigue, both physically and mentally, it can become a wake-up call. Feeling constantly drained and overwhelmed can prompt you to prioritise self-care and seek ways to regain energy and vitality. Pay attention to any physical or emotional warning signs that your body and mind may be giving you. 
  • Feeling unfulfilled or stuck: If you find yourself feeling stagnant, unfulfilled, or lacking a sense of purpose, it can be a powerful trigger for change. The realisation that you want more from life and a desire to live authentically can motivate you to invest time and effort in recharging and pursuing personal growth.
  • Loss of passion or enthusiasm: When you notice a decline in your passion for the things you once enjoyed, it may be a sign that you need to reconnect with your interests and reignite your enthusiasm. This could be a catalyst for exploring new hobbies, engaging in creative pursuits, or seeking new experiences that bring you joy.
  • External events or milestones: Significant life events, such as the end of a long-term commitment, a milestone birthday (hello – this was me!), or a major life transition, can trigger reflection and self-assessment. These moments often prompt introspection and the desire for personal growth and revitalization.
  • Support from loved ones: Sometimes, the support and encouragement of friends, family, or mentors can be the trigger we need. When our loved ones notice our low battery mode and offer their support and guidance, it can inspire us to take the necessary steps to recharge and reconnect with our power.
  • A sense of disconnect or longing for something more: Feeling disconnected from yourself, others, or the world around you can be a powerful trigger for change. Longing for deeper connections, meaning, or personal growth can push you to seek ways to plug back into your power and create a more fulfilling life.

Remember, everyone’s journey is unique, and triggers can vary from person to person. It’s essential to be attentive to your own needs, feelings, and experiences.

It’s that inner voice, gently nudging you to reconnect with your true self, reminding you that life is too precious to be lived in a diminished state.

Imagine how different life could be if you allowed yourself to feel fully alive, vibrant, and aligned with your passions and desires. Picture yourself stepping into your authentic power, radiating confidence, and embracing a life of fulfilment. It starts with acknowledging that it’s time – your time to shine!

I know this journey isn’t easy. It requires self-reflection, courage, and a willingness to embrace change. But let me assure you, the rewards are worth it. By plugging back into your power, you can reignite your zest for life, enhance your well-being, and cultivate meaningful connections with others. You can reclaim the driver’s seat and navigate the path that aligns with your dreams and aspirations.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. So, let’s embark on this adventure of self-discovery and personal growth, hand in hand, supporting and uplifting one another along the way.

I encourage you to take a moment to reflect: What does plugging back into your power mean to you? What steps can you take today, however small, to reignite your inner flame and live a life that truly resonates with your authentic self? 

Embrace the possibilities, explore how you can “plug back in” and reignite the spark!