Barbie, Downton Abbey & The Power Within!

Have you ever noticed how certain messages seem to keep appearing in our lives, gently nudging us to pay attention?

I went and saw the Barbie movie with a large group of lovely women, most of whom I had never met before. Although seeing a movie is not the best way to grow new connections, it was good to put myself out in a new community of ladies who were relaxing, celebrating friendships and enjoying themselves.

Love her or hate her, Barbie is currently sparking quite a bit of discussion. Today, I won’t delve into the realm of body image or debate feminism. Instead, something else caught my attention during the movie, along with America Ferrera’s powerful monologue — Barbie’s breakdown over the changes in her life. Gloria (acted by the incredible America) responds with the simple truth: “Oh honey, that’s life. It’s all change.” To which Barbie exclaims, “But, but that’s terrifying. I don’t want that, not in my life!”

As I pondered those words, I then heard a gem from the beloved Downton Abbey series. Wise Mr. Carson says to Mrs. Hughes, “Life’s altered you as it’s altered me. What would be the point of living if we didn’t let life change us?” Better late than never to join the Downton Abbey party, right? I’m absolutely loving it.

I’ve talked about change before, but facing it and working through it is an inevitable part of our life’s journey. I’d like to take a moment to consider a unique perspective on change — one that comes with age and experience.

Our young minds buzz with the noise of expectations, comparisons, and societal pressures. Our minds take over searching for answers and making decisions. What your mind isn’t telling you… and oh boy it can be firing rapid instructions continuously… is how powerful your intuition and inner knowing is!

What is intuition?

🤫It is a natural and instinctive form of knowing or understanding. 

🤫It is often described as a gut feeling, a hunch, or an inner sense that guides us without needing evidence or logic.

🤫It can arise as a sudden insight or a quiet whisper, providing valuable insights, guidance, or warnings about situations, people, or decisions.

🤫It taps into our subconscious knowledge and experiences, offering a deeper understanding that may not be immediately evident through rational thought.

It is a powerful tool for decision-making and problem-solving.

Tuning into our intuition is not a skill we learn at school, it’s often something we shut down and dismiss. I’ve been working hard to quiet my mind and go within, and let me tell you, it often whispers truths in the most unexpected ways — and the guidance it gives is always spot-on!

As the years unfold, something magical often happens. Amidst the chaos, a quieter voice emerges from within, guiding us with a newfound sense of wisdom and knowing. I think it’s partly due to the ‘less giving a sh$#’ that comes with age too, allowing us to let go of some of society’s noise!

This inner wisdom is the gift of change and life lived. It’s the result of embracing life’s highs and lows and letting them shape us into the resilient, wise, and beautifully imperfect women we are today. It’s a voice that gently reminds us of our strengths, encourages us to trust our instincts, and empowers us to embrace new chapters in our lives with courage and grace.

As we navigate the inevitable changes that come our way, let’s remember that we don’t need to silence the noise in our heads entirely. Instead, let’s strengthen tuning into the whispers of our inner wisdom, which speaks from a place of authenticity and acceptance. 

So, gorgeous soul, as you encounter change in your life, I invite you to pause and listen to that quiet voice within. Embrace the wisdom it holds, and know that every change, big or small, is a steppingstone on the extraordinary journey of life.


“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.” — Steve Jobs