Motherhood: The 3rd Chapter

I'm thrilled you are here

Some background as to how this series came to life.


When I sat down and did some soul searching to work out what my values were, family did not come out on top… Wow, how on earth did that happen when I’ve just devoted almost 2 decades of my life to my family?

Connection and the power of community were my top values!

So, with the encouragement of an amazing mentor and incredible support from my mastermind, I jumped into the deep end and created this interview series…

Motherhood: The 3rd Chapter – How to transition into your 50’s and beyond with joy, confidence and vitality.

I reached out to experts and speakers to cover some of the topics I was struggling with at this time in my life.

For example:

  • perimenopause and the idea of my body changing as I move towards menopause,
  • self-love,
  • the importance and power of connection,
  • our changing relationship with our teens and young adults as well as our partners,
  • grief,
  • living more sustainably and so many more.

I discovered when chatting to girlfriends just how many of us are working through the same issues.

Why “The 3rd Chapter”?  This chapter seems to swing back to us as women when we perhaps find a little more time to stop and evaluate who we are and what our values and passions may now be.  While we may be sandwiched between hormonal teenagers and possibly elderly parents needing our support and care we are also undergoing our own transition.

I sincerely hope that this resource will inspire and empower you to feel clearer and more confident moving forward.

All the interviews are linked below and available to watch or listen to (if you are on the move and prefer tuning in to a podcast like version).

Please note – the promotions or gifts offered by each of the speakers at the end of their interview were only available at the time the series was live.  Sorry you missed them!

All the amazing speakers...

Kim Morrison

5 times best-selling author, creative director of Twenty8, aromatherapist, health and lifestyle educator, mentor, NLP Practitioner, hypnotherapist and a multi-tasking mum and wife – the Queen of Self Love.

Nat Kringoudis

Body wisdom – do you have it? A talk with women’s health and natural fertility practitioner Nat centered around taking the time to learn to read and know your body, to trust your body and hear what it is telling you.

Alexx Stuart

Best selling author and founder of “Low Tox Life” the thriving online education hub, of e-courses, a podcast, recipes, articles and resources for an ever-growing community of people wanting to be healthier and make our planet happier.

Faith Agugu

If you want to shift your inner dialogue about ageing, Faith is the woman to have in your corner. She has always had the instinct that she would get better with age! Faith is the founder of Silver Sirens and her program The Healing Process.

Colleen O'Grady

An author, speaker, licensed marriage and family therapist. Colleen helps moms reduce conflict, reconnect with their teenage and adult daughters and reclaim their lives. She coaches moms of teens and emerging adults around the world.

Marnie le Fevre

A successful entrepreneur – the founder of Fempire, author and sought-after international speaker who inspires and teaches women to develop the courage to follow their entrepreneurial dreams without apology.

Kate Luckins

Kate is on a mission to unf*ck the planet.  She is the antidote to guilt inducing environmentalism.  She has a PhD in Sustainability, but still drives her kids to school when it rains.  So, if you don’t know how to recycle, she won’t judge.

Lisa Brandis

The Founder and Director of Intuitive Reiki International and is Australia’s first Intuitive Reiki Master and Teacher. Lisa is highly sought after for her practical spiritual teachings and transformative energy healings.

Sandy Fowler

A Stress Relief Coach, Yoga Nidra meditation guide, & Host of the Mighty Parenting Podcast. She teaches women to make powerful choices that relieve stress & create time for what matters most.

Amanda Gordon

A psychologist with an innate ability to translate psychological wisdom into practical life skills. Highly relatable, Amanda is experienced in helping people deal with the full range of life crises.

Tania Dalton

A healthy ageing coach and personal trainer with a special interest in helping women thrive in menopause.

Helen Marshall

Helen’s mission is to empower people to be accountable to their purpose with a new business model of freedom – the Primalista Licence.

Angela Cleary

A personal stylist, with over 25 years in the fashion and beauty arena, with a passion for helping other women 40+ look and feel beautiful inside and out by offering bespoke personal styling & wardrobe rejuvenation.

Debbie Petlueng

Her not for profit and community development work took her to many places around the world and it was then she started observing the role connection and community played in women’s lives and developed her interest in all things older women’s wellness.

Sally Flower

One of Australia’s leading decluttering experts and promoter of spatial wellness. Sally provides her audience with the information and advice they need to make positive change.

Janella Purcell

A pioneer of the Natural Health & Wellness industry, Janella has worked tirelessly over the years to bring her formidable knowledge to the mainstream in roles as a respected and awarded Naturopath, Herbalist and Nutritionist.

Amanda Ramsay

A trail-blazing, pro-age crusader and award-winning professional makeup artist providing the best, no-nonsense makeup and beauty know-how for women aged 40+.

Dr Andrea Huddleston

A women’s health, natural fertility specialist and integrative chiropractor. Dr Andrea is the co-host of the award winning podcast Wellness Women Radio and is affectionately referred to as ‘the period whisperer’.

Edwina Murphy-Droomer

A leading coach in the fields of vision building and transformation. Edwina has inspired thousands of women with her talk show and her coaching practice supports women on a quest to unlock their passion.

Host: Tania Carcenac

Working to empower women to rediscover their sense of self belief, confidence and the passion for life that lights them up! There is an incredible opportunity to learn, grow and give if we open ourselves up to the wealth of wisdom and possibility surrounding us.

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