Your confused mind does nothing!

Have you ever chosen a ‘word for the year’ or thought ‘why would you do that’?

I’ve done both!

I started with the latter wondering why on earth you would have a word to describe your year…

Now having done it for a couple of years, I see the value it can hold.


It gives you a thought, a feeling, an idea to keep drawing your attention to.

Our brains have an incredible search function, far more powerful than Google, and we are able to program it simply through what we focus on and identify with.  For example if you are an interior designer and you walk into a space you will likely notice the furniture, its placement/size/shape, the colours and textures used and the lighting whereas a fashion stylist will be taking note of the clothing people in the room are wearing what designer/brand it is and does it suit/fit the person wearing it.

Our Reticular Activating System (RAS) in the brain acts as a filter only letting us see or hear what we have deemed as important or meaningful.  I’m not much of a car person but my husband very much is.  He pointed out a type of SUV he thought we should replace our fuel guzzling 4WD with now that we are no longer towing a caravan, one that was big enough to accommodate our large fur baby. I had never noticed them on the road before and now I am seeing them everywhere.  The cars certainly did exist last month but, my brain simply wasn’t programmed to notice them, and now it is. The RAS had filtered the unnecessary out.

A simple example of how powerful a shift in our focus can be.  Far too often our focus sits primarily on what we don’t want.  We have the power to change this!

I had been thinking about what my word for this year could be and Delight repeatedly popped up in different places.  I kept dismissing it as it wasn’t ‘powerful’ or ‘meaningful’ enough, it seemed such a simple word.

I even checked the dictionary looking for more…



: a high degree of gratification or pleasure : JOY

also : extreme satisfaction

: something that gives great pleasure

archaic : the power of affording pleasure


delighted; delighting; delights

: to take great pleasure

: to give keen enjoyment

I found it!  What dropped in after seeing de.light was that this was absolutely my word because I want to embody the a,b,c of delight.

This year I am focusing on:

Adding light to my life and others through fun and play

Being light in both the physical, because yes a good few extra kg’s have crept on, and mental sense

C’ing light in myself and others

To me these all add up to the meaning of Delight – a high degree of gratification or pleasure = JOY!

If you would like to shift your focus and do some Vision Building with me then enrol in my Vision Building Week starting on Monday – yes, this monday coming the 30th.  Don’t overthink it, click here to find out more, and jump in.

I will create the space for you to focus on the positive and the possible.  Together we can discover the woman you want to BE and how you can grow into being her.