person walking on pathway near trees

Can You Better Navigate Your Promises?

Bleugh sniff snot cough… How have I picked up another nasty cold? With a pounding head and eyes streaming, the temptation to say “it can wait until next week” was strong!

Sending this email, showing up every day on social media, getting out and moving my body at least 5 days a week, making healthy food choices… no one is paying me for the effort or checking up on me – so why do them?

As we journey through the transitions of midlife, there’s one topic that speaks to the very core of our personal growth: keeping our word to ourselves.

Isn’t it fascinating how some days feel like we’re walking on a clear path, effortlessly aligning with the promises we’ve made to ourselves? We’re nailing it!

Then, bam, life hits us! The path feels steeper, or simply disappears in the fog, doubts creep in, and life’s complexities challenge our commitment.

I know you can relate, we’ve all had our fair share of both kinds of days. Some days the warm comfy bed is more tempting than the morning yoga session, or the lure of comfort food becomes a bit too strong to resist. It’s on these days that our commitment to our own promises is truly tested. But you know what? That’s okay. It’s all a part of this beautiful journey we’re on.

Statistics and studies consistently show that when we honour the promises we make to ourselves, we not only boost our self-esteem but also strengthen our ability to overcome obstacles. The act of keeping our word to ourselves builds a powerful foundation of self-trust – a cornerstone of our personal growth.

Think about it: every time you conquer the challenge of a tough day and stay true to your commitments, you’re telling yourself that you matter, your dreams matter. You’re proving that your goals are worth fighting for, even when life gets complicated.

It’s like building a superpower – a force of self-trust that helps us face whatever curveballs life throws. We’re not just ticking off goals; we’re building an unbreakable connection between who we are today and the phenomenal women we’re becoming.

So, on those days when the journey feels uphill, remember that you’re not alone. We all face those moments of doubt and struggle. But it’s in these moments that we have the opportunity to show ourselves just how strong and resilient we truly are.

Let’s be okay with our imperfections and celebrate our victories – big and small.

Promises I’ve kept to myself today: getting out for a walk, writing this email to you, posting on social media, choosing nourishing food, showing up for an online coaching call (replays are too easily forgotten/skipped), cheering on the Matildas in the World Cup semi-final because it’s too exciting to miss and going to bed early.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and stories around this. Let’s chat and support each other. After all, as they say, “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.” 💪

P.S. Here’s a quote by Brené Brown I adore: “Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.”