
Who needs ⭐’s when you’ve got 💖’s?

Have you ever stopped to think about why so many of us are constantly seeking validation from others? It’s like we’re wired to look outside of ourselves for approval and recognition, whether it’s from our friends, collegues, partners, or even strangers on the internet. But why?

Well, let’s face it – society hasn’t exactly made it easy for us to feel confident in ourselves. From a young age, we’re bombarded with messages telling us how we should look, act, and be. As women, we’re often told that our worth is tied to our appearance, our accomplishments, and our ability to please others. It’s like we’re constantly striving to meet these impossible standards set by society, and in the process, we lose sight of our own intrinsic value.

What I’ve discovered, for many of us as we age, is we start to shed the layers of societal expectations and “shoulds” that have been weighing us down for so long. We begin to realise that true happiness and fulfilment don’t come from fitting into a mould or meeting someone else’s idea of success. They come from embracing who we truly are – flaws, quirks, and all – and celebrating ourselves for simply being.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become much more discerning about where I invest my time and energy. I’ve learned to let go of the things that no longer serve me and focus on what truly brings me joy and fulfilment. That’s why, when I recently had an “enoughness” wobble, I created a “My Daily Celebrations” chart, inspired by those simple reward charts we used as kids.

Instead of waiting for someone else to pat me on the back, I decided to become my own cheerleader. So, I wrote down the things I wanted to celebrate each day – like moving my body, expressing gratitude, having fun, being creative, and being courageous. And instead of stars, I drew hearts. Each heart represents a moment where I showed up for myself, where I honoured my journey and embraced my worthiness.

It’s a simple tool, designed to be a little lighthearted and fun, but also to remind us to celebrate ourselves in the midst of our busy lives. Because let’s be honest – it’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and feel like we’re constantly falling short. We can get to the end of the day and feel like we’ve accomplished nothing, even though we’ve been juggling a million different tasks and responsibilities.

No longer am I waiting for someone else to tell me I’m doing a good job – teenagers most definitely aren’t giving you that feedback!! Instead, I’m recognizing my own efforts and celebrating my own growth. It’s like giving myself a little love tap on the shoulder every day, reminding myself that I am enough, just as I am.

We’ve been conditioned to seek validation from external sources for so long that it can feel uncomfortable at first to turn inward, but trust me, it’s worth it. Research shows that practising self-validation can lead to greater self-esteem, reduced anxiety, and overall better mental well-being.

Here’s the truth – every single action we take, no matter how small, is worthy of celebration. Whether it’s taking a moment to practise gratitude, going for a walk in nature, or simply making yourself a cup of tea – these are all moments of self-care and self-love that deserve to be acknowledged and celebrated.

I encourage you to set up your own “My Daily Celebrations” chart, colour in your hearts and start honouring yourself for the amazing person you are, every single day. Because you deserve it. You are enough, just as you are. You are worthy of love, praise, and celebration – and it all starts with you.

You’re welcome to use my template by clicking here.

Here’s to celebrating ourselves, one heart at a time.

P.S. Share your “My Daily Celebrations” markers with me over in Instagram @tania.carcenac! I’d love to cheer you on as you embrace your worthiness and celebrate your journey.

Here’s my template if you’d like it.